The department of management of foreign economic activity of the enterprises provides vocational training of experts in the management sphere with essentially new social and economic thinking

this is the leader possessing art of preparation, adoption and implementation of optimal management decisions for ensuring achievement of the goals of the enterprise, firm, concern, corporation, etc.

The graduate of department of management of foreign economic activity of the enterprises is the modern effective manager

this is the head who is fluent in a foreign language and personifies professional skills of various experts: manager, economist, marketing specialist, psychologist, lawyer, teacher, analyst, sociologist, etc.;

Special attention is paid to formation of professional skills:

  1. development and realization of the external economic strategy of the enterprises of various forms of ownership;
  2. conclusion and implementation of the international contracts;
  3. work in departments of foreign economic relations of the enterprises and firms of various forms of ownership;
  4. work in financial credit institutions, investment funds, insurance companies, consulting firms, etc.;
  5. organization of the international exhibitions, auctions and conferences, etc.

Also practical training of applicants the graduate of department of management of foreign economic activity of the enterprises which provides is provided:

  1. Possession of kompetentnost in the wide range of possible places of work and everyday life;
  2. Ability to the analysis financial, material, staffing;
  3. Abilities to define functional spheres of the organization and their interaction (purchase, production, logistics, marketing, finance, human resources);
  4. Knowledge of world economy, subtleties of management of foreign economic activity, understanding national and psychological peculiarities of the different people, knowledge of their business culture;
  5. Ability to management of the organization, its development, increase in its efficiency of ability to analyze and structure problems of the organization, to form the justified decisions;
  6. Ability to initiation and implementation of innovative projects in the organizations of various form of ownership and types of activity, in airlines and the airports.

Masters on management can hold positions in domestic-owned and foreign firms, institutions, joint ventures and their branches, both in Ukraine, and beyond its limits. They are potential heads of the enterprises and organizations which are carrying out activity both on internal and in foreign market.

 Training of specialists at department of management of foreign economic activity of the enterprises is carried out according to the appropriate educational and scientific programs at various levels of the higher education:

  1. the first (baccalaureate) level

OPP “Management of the Organizations and Administration (by Types of Economic Activity)”

OPP “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”

OPP “Management of Airlines and Airports”

  1. the second (master) level

OPP “Management of the Organizations and Administration (by Types of Economic Activity)”

OPP “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”

  1. the third (educational nauchny / obrazovatelno – creative) level

OPP “Management”



Combination of educational and scientific work on the basis of the best domestic and world achievements, modern material and technical resources of the university; highly skilled scientific and pedagogical personnel of department of management of foreign economic activity of the enterprises provides educational process of training of applicants of the higher education who well understand problems of the organization, planning, control and management of foreign economic activity, are capable deeply, it is perspective and system to find various versions of decisions, to estimate them and to choose optimum, to take the responsibility for implementation of these decisions.