For many years Uzbekistan cooperates with NAU in the field of correspondence and remote education. Last century, in 1970e years in Tashkent the branch of the Kiev Institute of civil aviation worked. Listeners were the citizens of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan working in the system of civil aviation. It was located in the beautiful building with spacious audiences and laboratories on Gogol Street. The technical base including the main equipment of the engine of the plane and other technical junctures was pride of branch. Vladislav Martynovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, headed KIIGA branch and the Educational and training center in Tashkent. One of teachers of branch was Putyato Igor Vasilyevich in a consequence become the director of Avia Center after closing of branch.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 31, 1995 and the resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 269 of July 12, 1995, on the basis of aircraft manufacturing faculty of the Tashkent state technical university, the Tashkent branch of the Kiev international university of civil aviation and educational National airline “Uzbekiston Havo Yullar” the Tashkent State Aviation Institute was created. Same 1995 Avia Center for the organization of advanced training courses of aviaworkers of Uzbekistan on the basis of the Kiev National University and assistance to the students studying at correspondence department of NAU was created. Avia Center existed till February, 2021. More than one thousand certified specialists who received degree “Bachelor” and “Master” on specialties “Air Transportation”, “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”, “Management of Information Security”, “Organization of Transportations”, “Management of Foreign Trade Activities” for civil aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other branches of economy were during this time trained.

On September 27, 2021 the cooperation agreement between the newly created “Information and methodical center” LLC POLVON AGRO and the National Aviation University for further assistance to the students studying at extramural studies in NAU was signed.
Today graduates of NAU hold senior positions in various structures and divisions of airlines of Uzbekistan.
According to the Agreement, representatives of the University arrive every year to Uzbekistan for holding information and image actions and promoting of training at the National Aviation University. The annual set of students of various regions of Uzbekistan who study extramurally is result of it. “The information and methodical center” carries out a continuous communication with departments, teachers, methodologists and the management of the University for providing timely information and carrying out monitoring of process of training of students of Uzbekistan.